Networking is a term that used to indicate a collection of autonomous computers interconnected by a single technology. This interconnection may be through a guided medium, Such as – copper wire, fibre optics cable, etc or through an unguided medium, Such as – air.
In Networking, coherence, model and software are absent. The Users expose to the actual machines without attempting for the machines to look and act coherently. The platforms of different machines are visible to the user. In effect, the distributed system is system software that is built over the top of a network. This software gives it cohesiveness and transparency.
Example: World Wide Web (WWW) is an example of Distributed System.

Application of Networking
Business Application:
Many companies had a substantial number of computers that worked in isolation from each other. At some point in time, the management of different companies had decided to interconnect them to extract and correlate information about the whole company. So the first issue behind the formation of the computer network was resource sharing. The objective was to share the equipment and data so that it can be available to all who are connected to the network.
Home Application:
The modern age is the age of electronic communication. Information regarding news, sports, education etc. can be available through the Internet. Nowadays any newspaper or magazine can subscribe to and access online sitting at home. Users can use instant messaging or can chat with each other.
Another type of person-to-person communication is in which a group of people can communicate with each other without the implementation of any client-server model. It is a computer network through which home entertainment can implement through the cable line. Another famous home application is E-commerce through which people can shop online. Online billing systems are also available for different companies through which people can pay online.