Introduction to ASP.NET Framework

ASP.NET is a server-side framework used in web development to produce dynamic pages. Microsoft developed it in order to help people build dynamic web-pages, websites, web apps and services. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an application used by coders to ease their software development tasks.

ASP.NET is the web formulation of a compiled language like Visual Basic, C#, J#, etc. Moreover, ASP.NET is an object-oriented language. ASP.NET is a platform for building, deploying and running web services and applications. It consists of components such as – CLR, Unified Class Libraries which includes classes, interfaces and data types that support a wide range of technologies.

Microsoft introduces the concept of server scriptlets. These were COM objects that were developed as Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based text files. This enabled programmers to rapidly prototype multi-tiered application business logic without the “change, recompile, upload, stop the server, register, test, change” cycle of component development.

ASP and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) gives a boost in capability with the addition of XML-processing abilities. XML was, at this point, a massive deal in the developer community. Microsoft wants to appear to fully embrace it. So that the whole of Microsoft’s product line seems to receive an XML makeover.