Conditional Statements in ASP.NET with example

Conditional Statements in ASP.NET:

In, Conditional Statements allows you to specify which code should be executed depending on which conditions are matched.

Types of Conditional Statements in ASP.NET:

There are mainly six types of conditional statements in, these are:
1. Simple If Statements: Simple If statements are the simplest form of conditional logic. If a certain condition is met, it performs some action. It has the following syntax:


if (condition) {

2. IfThen Statements: If-Then statement examines the truthfulness of an expression. It has the following syntax:

if condition

3. If-Then-End If Statements: If there are many statements to execute as a truthful result of the condition, you should write the If-Then-End If Statements. It has the following syntax:

if condition then
end if

4. IfThenElse Statements: Whenever you would like to apply an alternate expression in case the condition is false, you can use the If–Then–Else Statement. It has the following syntax:

if condition then
end if

5. Case and Switch Statements: A case statement is also called a Select statement, A case statement examines one variable, and you specify the criteria of that variable. It has the following syntax:

select case variable
case option1
case Else
end select

If we call it a value that is not checked by the first argument, the function produces a null value. So, we use the Switch Statements. It has the following syntax:
switch(condition1, statement1, condition2, statement2)

6. Choose Statements: When the Choose statement is called, if the first argument has a value of 1, then the second argument is validated. If the first argument has a value of 2, then the third argument is validated. It has the following syntax:

Choose(argument1, "argument2", "argument3")