Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is a method of learning new data, storing it in the existing structures internally with minimal. AI is the branch of computer science that deals with the ways of representing knowledge using symbols rather than numbers.
Artificial Intelligence is defined as the branch of computer science dealing with the symbolic and non-algorithm methods of problem-solving. AI works with “pattern matching” methods that attempt to describe the object, events, and process in terms of their qualitative nature and logical and combinational relationship.
The term “intelligence” is a catchy word here. Intelligence means that an integrated sum of all knowledge and facts acquired through study and experience.

Artificial Intelligence Tasks:
Basically, AI covers three types of tasks:
1. Mundane Tasks
2. Formal Tasks
3. Expert Tasks
Mundane Tasks:
Mundane tasks include:
(i) Perception of vision and speech
(ii) Natural Language understanding
(iii) Common Sense Reasoning
(iv) Robotics
Formal Tasks:
Formal Tasks include:
(i) Mathematics – Geometry, calculus, etc.
(ii) Game Playing – Chess, 8-queens problems, water-jug problem, etc.
Expert Tasks:
Expert Tasks include:
(i) Engineering Field
(ii) Scientific Analysis
(iii) Medical and Financial Analysis
Artificial intelligence is the future of this world and we will see all computers who can think themselves.