MapReduce Architecture in Cloud Computing


MapReduce is a programming module for the dispersion of huge data arrays with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a group. It supports runtime environments for managing large volumes of data. Generally, database management is based on relational data modules, and for large database handling. This type of model doesn’t work efficiently as data is in an unstructured form. Keeping data in rows isn’t feasible when we are handling huge amounts of data, hence at that time, data is organized in file form. The concept of distributed workflows is used for handling large data.

MapReduce Architecture

A MapReduce architecture consists of a Map() process and Reduce() process which operates a precise function. The ‘MapReduce Architecture’ is also known as ‘framework’ or ‘infrastructure’. It coordinates with distributed dispersed servers, operating different assignments at the same time, organizing communication and data shifts among numerous fractions of the system and offering idleness and error tolerance.

The above figure demonstrates MapReduce, its libraries have been printed in various programming languages with diverse stages of optimization. A famous open-source execution is Apache Hadoop. Google initially invented the structure for its Web Page indexing. Its new structure restores the previous indexing algorithm.

The consumption logic used in MapReduce has two functions, maps() and reduce().
1. An operation called “Map’ permits various points of the distribution group to allocate their work.
2. An operation is known as ‘Reduce’ as ‘Reduce is intended to lessen the concluding form of the results of groups into a single production.

The above figure shows the MapReduce platforms. In a distributed file system, the input is taken in the form of a file and after applying Map() over it using some key, the file is reduced to make a single entity which is the actual output after all the processing. It reduces work on a group of services and is extremely scalable. It has many types of execution that are offered by multiple programming languages, such as C, C++, etc.