Types of Operands in Instruction Set
Types of Operands
No Operand Instructions
The following are some of the instructions that do not require any operands.
HLT: It halts the CPU
NOP: It stands for No operation
PUSH operand: Push operand into top of the stack
POP operand: It removes the operand from top of the stack
One-Operand Instructions
The following are some of the instructions that require one operand.
Two-Operand Instructions
The following are some of the instructions that require two operands.
ADD Rd, Rn Example: ADD R1, R2 – R1<-R1+R2
Intel Instruction Set Architecture uses two operands.
Three-Operand Instructions
Most modern processors use instructions with three operands, such as ARM, MIPS, and Itanium.
ADD R1, R2, R3; R1 <- R2+R3