Java JTabbedPane
JTabbedPane encapsulates a tabbed pane. It manages a set of components by linking them with tabs. Selecting a tab causes the component associated with that tab to come to the forefront. Tabbed panes are very common in the modern GUI. It defines three constructors. We will use its default constructor, which creates an empty control with the tabs positioned across the top of the pane. The other two constructors let you specify the location of the tabs, which can be along any of the four sides. JTabbedPane uses the SingleSelectionModel model. Tabs are added by calling addTab().
void addTab(String name, Component comp)
Here, name is the name for the tab, and comp is the component that should be added to the tab.
General Procedure to Use Tabbed Pane:
1. Create an instance of JTabbedPane.
2. Add each tab by calling addTab().
3. Add the tabbed pane to the content pane.
import javax.swing.*; public class TabbedPane extends JApplet { public void init() { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { makeGUI(); } }); } catch (Exception exc) { System.out.println("Can't create because of " + exc); } } private void makeGUI() { JTabbedPane jtp = new JTabbedPane(); jtp.addTab("Cities", new CitiesPanel()); jtp.addTab("Colors", new ColorsPanel()); jtp.addTab("Flavors", new FlavorsPanel()); add(jtp); } } class CitiesPanel extends JPanel { public CitiesPanel() { JButton b1 = new JButton("New York"); add(b1); JButton b2 = new JButton("London"); add(b2); JButton b3 = new JButton("Kolkata"); add(b3); JButton b4 = new JButton("Tokyo"); add(b4); } } class ColorsPanel extends JPanel { public ColorsPanel() { JCheckBox cb1 = new JCheckBox("Red"); add(cb1); JCheckBox cb2 = new JCheckBox("Green"); add(cb2); JCheckBox cb3 = new JCheckBox("Blue"); add(cb3); } } class FlavorsPanel extends JPanel { public FlavorsPanel() { JComboBox jcb = new JComboBox(); jcb.addItem("Vanilla"); jcb.addItem("Chocolate"); jcb.addItem("Strawberry"); add(jcb); } }