Functions and Services of Operating System
Functions of Operating System
The Operating System provides a user-friendly environment for the creation and execution of programs and provides services to the user, There are Many Functions of OS Performed by the Operating System. The Main Functions of OS are –

2. Program Execution: Several tasks are required to execute a program, the tasks include instructions and data must be loaded into main memory, i/o devices and files must be initialized, and other resources must be prepared. The OS handles these tasks for the user.
3. Input/Output Operations : A running program may require input and output. This i/o may involve a file or an i/o device. A user program can’t execute i/o operations directly, The OS must provide some means to do so.
4. Error detection: The operating system detects the different types of errors and should take appropriate action. The errors include memory errors, power failure, and printer out-of-paper.
5. Accounting: The operating system can keep track of which user uses how much time and what kind of computer resources used. This record-keeping is useful to improve computing services.
6. Protection: The operating system provides a security mechanism to protect from unauthorized usage of files in the network environment.
Services of Operating System
An Operating System provides many services to the user.
1. Program Creation
2. Accounting
3. Program Execution
4. Controlled Access to files
5. System Access
6. Error detection and response
Multi-Programming :
The number of jobs is executed by the CPU simultaneously which is called Multi-Programming. In Multi-Programming, the main memory consists of some jobs at a time.

1. It can get efficient memory utilization.
2. CPU is never idle, So the performance of the CPU will increase.
3. Throughput of the CPU may also increase.
Batch Processing :
A group of jobs batched together and executed at a time is called Batch Processing.