Explain Different Cloud Security Services

Cloud Security Services

1. Authentication:

Validation is the examination of proof of identity of a user. It creates the identity of the user and makes sure that users are who they claim to be. For instance, a user gives an identity (user_ID) to a computer sign-in screen and then offers a code word. The computer system validates the user by confirming that the code word matches the person giving the ID.

2. Authorization:

It refers to privileges and right approved to a person who is allowed access to information assets and computer resources. Once the identity of a user is established, the process of approval decides the degree of system rights held by a user.

3. Auditing:

For supporting assurance, corporations employ two fundamental means – scrutiny and system audits. These means may be utilized by the cloud supplier, the cloud consumer or both according to the asset design and installment. An IT evaluator audits the following functions:

i. System and transaction control: It deals with the different controls, checks and constraints used for carrying out transactions.

ii. System development standards: It deals with the type of standards to be provided to the users.

iii. Backup controls: It gives details about the backup facilities for taking a backup of various transactions for fortune references.

iv. Data library procedures: It gives details about the libraries that are needed for running a particular application.

v. Data center security: It provides details about the security that a cloud provider uses for providing adequate security to the cloud data center.

vi. Contingency plans: It provides details about the emergency plan that a cloud provider uses in the case of an emergency, with the services provided by them at the time of disaster.