Characteristics of Modern Operating System
Characteristics of Operating System
Huge lines of code, a huge number of unnecessary features aren’t only the good Characteristics of Modern Operating System. So, we have to consider the design concepts before saying that it is a modern operating system. The Characteristics of Modern OS include:
1. Object-Oriented Design
2. Multi-threading
3. Systematic Multi-Processing
4. Distributed Operating System
5. Micro-Kernel Architecture

Object-Oriented Design:
Object-Oriented Design is the largest trend in designing the operating system. In which the OS creates the objects for each facility, and each object has a set of operations.
An application or program divided into several smaller tasks. These tasks executed by the processor concurrently. These smaller tasks are called threads. A thread is a lightweight process or a dispatchable unit of work. A thread has some of the characteristics of a process. The number of independent threads in an application executed by the processor at the time says Multi-threading.
Systematic Multi-Processing:
If a computer has more than one processor, these processors can share the memory and Input/Output facilities. These processors share the same job for execution then the system is called Systematic Multi-Processor System. The operating system designed for Systematic processing is called ‘ Systematic Multi-Processing Operating System’.
The advantage of using Systematic Multi-Processing over uni architecture. There are:
i. Throughput: It simply means the number of jobs executed by the processor in a time slot.
ii. Reliability: it means that if one processor failed due to hardware problems even can execute the jobs with other processors.
iii. From the user’s point of view, jobs are executed very fast.
Distributed Operating System:
A Distributed Operating System is an operating system that runs on a network of computers. The operating system, memory files shared by the number of users in the network from the server. In a Distributed Operating System, each user thinks that running on a single large system with one operating system. The users don’t need to know where the files are in the network.
Micro-Kernel Architecture:
A Micro-Kernel Architecture is a minimal operating system that performs only the essential functions of an operating system. System processes perform all other operating system functions. Here the system processes mean Servers. A system that contains the server is called the Client-Server Model.