C Program to Draw Map of India
Draw Map of India in C Program:
The following code is an obfuscated version in C that generates the map of India. Obfuscated code is any code that is difficult for humans to understand.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main(){ int a,b,c; for (b=c=10; a="- FIGURE?, UMKC,XYZHello Folks,\TFy!QJu ROo TNn(ROo)SLq SLq ULo+UHs UJq TNn*RPn/QPbEWS_JSWQAIJO^\NBELPeHBFHT}TnALVlBLOFAkHFOuFETp\HCStHAUFAgcEAelclcn^r^r\\tZvYxXy\T|S~Pn SPm SOn TNn ULo0ULo#ULo-W\Hq!WFs XDt!" [b+++21]; ) for(; a-- > 64 ; ) putchar ( ++c=='Z' ? c = c/ 9:33^b&1); return 0; getch(); }