Write a C Program to Convert Currency
C Program to Convert Currency:
We develop a C program to Convert Currency Rupees to Dollars, Dollars to Rupees, Pounds to Rupees, euros to rupees and Kuwaiti dinars to Rupees.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { float dollar, inr, rupees; int ch; clrscr(); do { printf("\n\n***** WelCome to Webeduclick Currency Converter *****"); printf("\n\n 1.Rupees -> Dollar"); printf("\n\n 2.Dollar -> Ruppes"); printf("\n\n 3.Pound -> Ruppes"); printf("\n\n 4.Euro -> Ruppes"); printf("\n\n 5.Kuwaiti Dinar -> Ruppes"); printf("\n\n 6. Exit"); printf("\n\nEnter your choice = "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:printf("\n\nEnter the currency in Rupees = "); scanf("%f",&rupees); dollar=rupees/75; printf("\n\nThe currency in dollar is = %.2f$",dollar); break; case 2:printf("\n\nEnter the currency in Dollar = "); scanf("%f",&rupees); inr=rupees*65; printf("\n\nThe currency in Ruppes is = %.2f",inr); break; case 3:printf("\n\nEnter the currency in Pound = "); scanf("%f",&rupees); inr=rupees*100; printf("\n\nThe currency in Ruppes is = %.2f",inr); break; case 4:printf("\n\nEnter the currency in Euro = "); scanf("%f",&rupees); inr=rupees*85; printf("\n\nThe currency in Ruppes is = %.2f",inr); break; case 5:printf("\n\nEnter the currency in Kuwaiti Dinar = "); scanf("%f",&rupees); inr=rupees*240; printf("\n\nThe currency in Ruppes is = %.2f",inr); break; case 6:exit(0); } } while(ch<4); getch(); }