Uninformed Search Algorithm
Uninformed Search
In Uninformed Search or Blind Search, there is no order in which the solution paths are considered. It uses no domain-specific information to search for a solution in the search space. The state space is combinational, so this type of search is impracticable for non-trivial problems. So, it is also called a Brute-force search as it examines every node in the tree until a goal is found. These algorithms make some assumptions:
1. A procedure must be there is to find all successors of a given node, all states are reachable from the current state and that too by a single operator application.
2. The state-space graph is a tree. It means that there is only one start state (the root of the tree) and the path from the start node to any other node is unique.
3. Whenever a node is expanded, creating a node for each of its successors, the successor nodes contain pointers back to the parent node. Finally, when a goal node is generated, the path from the root to the goal can be easily found.