Types of Programming Languages

Programming Language:

It is a system of communication between us. Language is mainly used to communicate among various categories of persons. But, how will you communicate with your computer?

Your computer will not understand your mother language for the transfer of data and instructions. So, there are some specific languages specially developed, so that you could pass your input data and instructions. These types of languages are called Programming Languages.

Types of Programming Languages:

There are two major types of programming languages are:

    1. Low-Level Language
    2. High-Level Language

Low-Level Language:

It can be further divided into two categories:

    i. Machine Language
    ii. Assembly Language

Machine Language:

It is the only language that is directly understood by the computer. It doesn’t need any translation program. We also call it machine code and it is written as strings of 1’s and 0’s. When this sequence of codes is fed to the computer it recognizes the codes and it converts them into electrical signals needed to run it.

Assembly Language:

It is the first step to improving the programming structure. you should know that the computer can handle numbers and letters. That combination of letters can be used to substitute for several machine codes. The set of symbols and letters forms the assembly language and a translator program is required to translate the assembly language into machine language. The translator program is called Assembler.

High-Level Language:

It’s a simple language that uses English and Mathematical symbols like +, -, *, /, etc. for its program construction. High-level programming languages are Object-Oriented languages because the instructions are suitable for solving a particular problem.

ii. C
iii. C++