Types of Operating Systems

Operating Systems

An Operating System is a collection of programs and utilities. It is an interface between the user and the computer. The different types of Operating Systems with their features are explained here, There are mainly 4 types of Operating Systems:

Types of OS

Time-Sharing Systems

It is a logical extension of multi-programming. So this system also says a Multi-tasking system. Here jobs executed by the CPU switch between them. The CPU scheduler a job from the ready queue and switches the CPU to that job. When the time slot expires, the CPU switches from this job to another. In this system, the CPU time shared by different processes. So, it says “Time-Sharing Systems“.

Parallel Systems

Most computers have only one CPU. However, there is a trend towards Multi-Processor systems. Such as systems have more than one processor in close communication, sharing the computer bus, the clock, and sometimes the memory and peripheral devices, these systems referred to as “Tightly Coupled Systems“. This system consists of more than one processor. It is tightly coupled which called a parallel system. In Parallel Systems, several processors execute their jobs in parallel. There are several reasons for buildings such systems.

Distributed Systems

In Distributed Systems, the processors can’t share the memory and clock, the processor has its local memory. The processor communicates with one another through various communication lines. Such as high-speed buses, these systems usually referred to as “Loosely Coupled Systems“.

Real-time Embedded System

These systems are designed for one or a few applications. Best examples for real-time embedded systems are fire sensors, smoke sensors etc.