Types of IC and Their Functions

What is IC?

An integrated circuit (IC) is a combination of electronic components, such as transistors, capacitors, and resistors. An IC is designed to fulfill some logical function. It can be built to be a timer, counter, bank of computer memory or even a microprocessor.

Basic Electronic Building Blocks of an Integrated Circuit

The basic building block of an IC is a logic gate. Alogic gate performs the Boolean algebra AND operation by testing two input signals (each stored in a transistor). If both are positive (representing true or 1), it sets the signal of a result value to positive. Otherwise, the value is set to negative (representing false or 0).

Types of IC and Their Functions

Types of IC

There are mainly five types of IC:
i. SSI: It stands for Small Scale Integration. It is the beginning of IC technology in 1961. In SSI, typically 2 to 10 transistors making around 3 to 30 logic gates per chip are fabricated on a single chip.
ii. MSI: MSI stands for Medium Scale Integration. In MSI, typically 100 to 1000 transistors making 30 to 300 logic gates per chip are fabricated on a single chip.
iii. LSI: It stands for Large Scale Integration. LSI is the process of integrating thousands of transistors on a single silicon semiconductor microchip.
iv. VLSI: VLSI stands for Very Large Scale Integration. It is the process of integrating hundreds of thousands of transistors on a single silicon semiconductor microchip.
v. ULSI: ULSI stands for Ultra Large Scale Integration. It is the process of integrating millions of transistors on a single silicon semiconductor microchip.