Tower of Hanoi Program in C
Tower of Hanoi:
Tower of Hanoi is a famous recursive problem which is based on 3 pegs and a set of discs of different sizes. It consists of some wooden disks and three poles attached to a baseboard. The disks each have different diameters and a hole in the middle large enough for the poles to pass through. The object of the puzzle is to move all the disks over to the right pole, one at a time, so that they end up in the original order on that pole. The middle pole may be used as a temporary resting place for disks, but at no time is a larger disk to be on top of a smaller one. In the C program, we try to solve the Tower of Hanoi.
C Program for Tower of Hanoi:
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void toh(int, char, char, char); void main() { int n; printf("Enter the number of disk: "); scanf("%d", &n); printf("Here is sequence of moves of tower of hanoi:\n"); toh(n, '1', '3', '2'); } void toh(int no, char source, char destination, char spare) { if (no == 1) { printf("\n move disk 1 from source %c to destination %c", source, destination); return; } toh(no - 1, source, spare, destination); printf("\n move disk %d from source %c to destination %c", no, source, destination); toh(no - 1, spare, destination, source); getch(); }