Text Mode Graphics Function in C

Text Mode Graphics Function

A text mode with a specific number of characters can be set. There are some following commonly used text modes:

textmode() Function: It is used to set the numbers of rows and columns on the monitor screen. It has the following form:


where m is an integer referring to the mode.

textbackground() Function: It is used to set the background colour in the text mode. It has the following form:


where n is an integer referring to the background colour mode.

textcolor() Function: This function is used to set the colour for the text going to be displayed. It has the following form:


where n is an integer referring to the text colour.

gotoxy() Function: This function is used to move the cursor to any specific location on the screen. It has the following form:


cputs() Function: It is used to display a text message on the monitor screen in graphics mode. It has the following form:

cputs("Text Message");