Role of Database Administrator

Database Administrator

Database Administration implemented by a person or group of persons under the supervision of a knowledgeable person called the Administrator. This person known as Database Administrator (DBA). Is responsible for supervising the creation, modification, and maintenance of the database. The DBA controls the database structure and sets up the definition for the physical as well as the logical implementation of the database.

Role of DBA

(i) Schema Definition : The original database schema created by writing a set of definitions. It translated by the DDL compiler to a set of tables that permanently stored in the data dictionary.

(ii) Storage structure and access method definition: Appropriate storage structure and access methods created by writing a set of definitions that translated by the data storage and definition language compiler.

(iii) Schema and physical-organization modification: The DBA carry out changes to the schema and physical organization to reflect the changing needs of the organization. They altered the physical organization to improve performance.

(iv) Granting of authorization for data access: DBA also maintains that the database is not accessible to unauthorized users. The DBA responsible for granting permission to use the database. It also stores the profile of each user of a database. This profile describes the permissible activities of a user on that portion of the database which is authorized to him. The user profile can be used by the DBA to verify a particular user. That user only allowed to perform a given operation on the database within the limited time frame.

(v) Routine maintenance: The DBA responsible for defining procedures to recover data from failures due to human, natural or hardware malfunctioning with minimal loss. This recovery procedure would thus enable an organization to continue working with the available intact portion of the database.

(vi) Maintaining integrity: DBA ensures that appropriate measures taken to maintain the integrity of a database. Integrity constraints kept in a special system structure that consulted by the database manager whenever an update takes place in the system.