Python Dictionary Methods with Example
Python Dictionary
Python Dictionary is a data structure in which we store values as a pair of keys and values. Each key is separated from its value by a colon(:) and consecutive items are separated by a comma(,). The entire items in a dictionary are enclosed in curly brackets{}. It has the following syntax:
dictionary_name={key_1: value1, key_2: value2, key_3: value3}
Creating a Dictionary in Python
The syntax to create an empty dictionary is given below:
Doc=[] print(Doc)
The syntax to create a dictionary with a key-value pair is given below:
dictionary_variable={key_1: value1, key_2: value2, key_3: value3}
Doc={'Roll_no':71874, 'Name':'Rohit', 'Stream':'CSE'} print(Doc)
{‘Roll_no’: 71874, ‘Name’: ‘Rohit’, ‘Stream’: ‘CSE’}
Python Dictionary Methods
Methods | Description |
len(Dict) | It returns the length of Dictionary. |
str(Dict) | It returns a string representation of the dictionary. |
Dict.clear() | It deletes all entries in the dictionary. |
Dict.copy() | It returns a shadow copy of the dictionary. |
Dict.fromkeys(seq[,val]) | It creates a new directory with keys from seq and values set to val. |
Dict.get(key) | It returns the value for the key passed as argument. |
Dict.has_key(key) | It returns True, if the key is present in the dictionary and false otherwise. |
Dict.items() | It returns a list of tuples (key-value pair) |
Dict.keys() | It returns a list in the dictionary. |
Dict.setdefault(key, value) | It sets a default value for a key that is not present in the dictionary. |
Dict1.update(Dict2) | It adds the key-value pairs of Dict2 to the key-value pairs of Dict1 |
Dict.values() | It returns a list of values in dictionary |
Dict.iteritems() | It is used to iterate through items in the dictionary. |
in and not in | It checks whether a given key is present in dictionary or not. |