Principal Component Analysis in Machine Learning
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a linear classical scaling technique for dimensionality reduction, which means that it performs dimensionality reduction by embedding the data into a linear subspace of lower dimensionality. Although there exist various techniques to do so, PCA is by far the most popular unsupervised linear technique. It constructs a low-dimensional representation of the data that describes as much of the variance in the data as possible. This is done by finding a linear basis of reduced dimensionality for the data, in which the amount of variance in the data is maximal.
The main linear technique for dimensionality reduction is principal component analysis. It performs a linear mapping of the data to a lower-dimensional space in such a way that the variance of the data in the low-dimensional representation is maximized. In practice, the covariance matrix of the data is constructed and the eigenvectors on this matrix are computed. The eigenvectors that correspond to the largest eigen values can now be used to reconstruct a large fraction of the variance of the original data. Moreover, the first few eigenvectors can often be interpreted in terms of the large-scale physical behavior of the system. The original space has been reduced to the space spanned by a few design vectors.