Methods of Turtle Module in Python

turtle.forward()Moves the turtle forward by specified steps.
turtle.Moves the turtle backward by specified steps.
turtle.takes a number of degrees which you want to rotate to the left.
turtle.takes a number of degrees which you want to rotate to the right
turtle.clears the drawing
turtle.chenge the shape of turtle
turtle.closes the window when you click on the turtle undo the last action performed on the turtle set the colour of the turtle hide the turtle from the screen show the turtle on the screen
turtle.sets the position of the turtle in the graphics window
turtle.draws a line while muving the turtle
turtle.does not draw the line while moving the turtle
turtle.clears the drawing from the graphics window leaving the turtle in its current position
turtle.clears the drawing from the graphics window and returns the turtle to its starting position
turtle.draws a circle control the speed of drawing graphics it takes speed as an iinteger argument (0-10). default speed is 3 , minimum speed is 1 and maximum speed is 10 makes the animation firster it takes two arguments- one controls how often screens should be ubdated and the others control the delay between thes updates change the thickness of the turtle's pen. it takes an integer argument that speciifies the thinkness of the pen
turtle.chenges the background colour of the graphics window fill a closed shape with currently set colour