Laravel Interview Questions and Answers
1. What is MVC architecture?
It stands for Model View Controller. It segregates domain, applications, business, and logic from the user interface. It is achieved by separating the application into three parts:
Model: Data and data management of the application
View: The user interface of the application
Controller: It handles actions and updates
2. Define composer
Composer is an application-level package manager for PHP. It provides a standard format for managing PHP software dependencies and libraries.
3. What is a Route?
A route is an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It acts as a pointer in the Laravel application. It simply points to a method on a controller and also dictates which HTTP methods are able to hit that URI.
4. Tell me some important directories used in a common Laravel application.
[php]App/:[/php] It is a source folder where our application code lives. All controllers, policies, and models are inside this folder.
[php]Config/:[/php] It holds the app’s configuration files. These are usually not modified directly but instead, rely on the values set up in the .env (environment) file at the root of the app.
[php]Database/:[/php] Houses the database files, including migrations, seeds, and test factories.
[php]Public/:[/php] Publicly accessible folder holding compiled assets and of course an index.php file.
5. What is a Controller?
Controllers are meant to group associated request-handling logic within a single class. In the Laravel project, they are stored in the app/Http/Controllers directory. It acts as a directing traffic between Views and Models.
6. Which template engine is used by Laravel?
The blade is a simple, powerful templating engine provided by Laravel. There is no restriction to use PHP codes in the views. All the blade views are compiled into simple PHP code and cached until they are modified. Blade view files in Laravel use the [php].blade.php[/php] file extension and are saved in the [php]resources/views[/php] directory.
7. What is an artisan?
An artisan is a command-line tool of Laravel. It provides commands that help you to build a Laravel application without any hassle.
8. What is Auth?
Auth is an in-built functionality provided by Laravel to identify the user credentials with the database. It takes input parameters like username and password for user identification. If the settings match, then the user is said to be authenticated.
9. What are Models in Laravel?
A model is used as a way for questioning data to and from the table within the database. Models interact with your database and recover your objects’ information. Finally, views render pages.
10. How to Create a Laravel Project?
composer create-project laravel/laravel
composer global require laravel/installer
laravel new
11. What do you understand by ORM?
ORM stands for Object-Relational Mapping. It is one of the main features of the Laravel framework. It may be defined as an advanced PHP implementation of the active record pattern.
12. Which file is used to create a connection with the database?
To create a connection with the database, you can use .env file.
13. What is Eloquent?
Eloquent is an ORM used in Laravel. It provides simple active record implementation working with the database. Each database table has its own Model that is used to interact with the table.
14. What are Events in Laravel?
Events are great for decoupling different parts of your application. It is typically stored in the app/Events directory.
15. How to run a Laravel project on localhost?
php artisan serve
16. Define Lumen
Lumen is a smaller and faster micro-framework that is used to build Laravel-based services and REST APIs.
17. How can we use the custom table in Laravel?
We can easily use the custom table in Laravel by overriding the protected $table property of Eloquent.
class User extends Eloquent{ protected $table="my_user_table"; }
18. Define @include
[php]@include[/php] is used to load more than one template view file. It helps you to include a view within another view.
19. What is a session in Laravel?
In Laravel, a session is used to store data and keep track of users.
20. Difference between authentication and authorization.
Authentication means confirming user identities through credentials.
Authorization refers to gathering access to the system.
21. What are seeders in Laravel?
It allows you to quickly insert data into your database. Seeders are very helpful for development environments where you may not have access to your production database.
22. Define factories in Laravel.
In Laravel, the factory feature allows you to build fake data for your models. It is very useful for testing and seeding counterfeit data into your database to see your code in action before any accurate user data comes in.
23. What is Middleware in Laravel?
In Laravel, Middleware is a platform that works as a bridge between the request and the response. The main aim of middleware is to provide a mechanism for investigating HTTP requests entering your application.
24. How to make a new Model in Laravel?
The make:model command is used to generate a new model in Laravel.
php artisan make:model ModelName
25. What is Dependency injection in Laravel?
Dependency injection is a term used for the activity of injecting components into the user application. It’s a critical element of agile architecture.
26. Define REPL.
It stands for Read—Eval—Print—Loop. REPL is a type of interactive shell that takes in single user inputs, processes them, and returns the result to the client.
27. What is a yield in Laravel?
In Laravel, It is a function used to define a particular section in layout. It is permanently used to retrieve content from the child page and transfer it to the master page.
28. How to create a controller in Laravel?
To create a new controller, you may run the make:controller Artisan command. By default, all of the controllers for your application are stored in the [php]app/Http/Controllers[/php] directory:
php artisan make:controller ControllerName
29. Define Migrations in Laravel.
In Laravel, migration is a feature of Laravel that allows you to modify and share the application’s database schema. It’ll enable you to alter the table by adding a new column or deleting an existing column.
30. What is Closure in Laravel?
The closure is an anonymous function. It is often used as a callback method and as a parameter in a function.
31. Mention the databases supported by Laravel.
Ans – MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.
32. Difference between delete() and softDeletes() in laravel.
delete(): It is used to remove all records from the database table.
softDeletes(): It does not remove the data from the table.
33. What is socialite in Laravel?
It is a quick method for authenticating users using the OAuth providers. It allows developers to provide a quick link or simple button for users to click and initiate the authentication process from the home page.
34. Define the Laravel cursor method.
It is a memory-efficient solution for processing large datasets retrieved from your database, particularly when using Eloquent ORM.
35. Write Some commonly used artisan commands in Laravel.
php artisan make:controllerphp artisan make:model php artisan make:migration php artisan make:request php artisan make:middleware php artisan make:command php artisan make:event
36. What are CSRF tokens in Laravel?
CSRF stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery, It is a unique value. This value is generated from the server side of the application and forwarded to the client. The tokens help to safeguard web apps and their users from intrusions, and CSRF attacks.
37. What is the web.php route?
web.php route file is used to define web routes, which are the URL patterns and corresponding actions for your web application. The web.php file is stored in the routes directory within your Laravel project.
38. Which class is used for handling exceptions in Laravel?
In Laravel, the App\Exceptions\Handler class is responsible for handling exceptions.
39. What is the simplest method for generating a request in Laravel?
In Laravel, you can easily generate a request using the command:
php artisan make:request UploadFileRequest
40. What is the common location of model files in Laravel apps?
In Laravel applications, the common location for storing model files is the app directory. It is located at the root level of your Laravel project.
41. How to make a constant for global use in Laravel?
You can easily create constant.php pages directly in the config folder. Enter a constant variable with a corresponding value and use the following command:
42. What is the process of clearing the cache in Laravel?
Clearing the cache is essential for ensuring that your Laravel application uses the latest data and configurations. You can easily clear various cache types, such as configuration, views, routes, or application cache, using the built-in Artisan CLI commands.
43. Define Facades in Laravel.
Facades are a convenient and elegant way to access various services and components provided by the framework. They act as a static interface to the underlying classes available in Laravel’s IoC container.
44. Explain the process of implementing a package in Laravel.
Step-1: Create a new package folder and name it
Step-2: Create a [json]composer.json[/json] file for the same package
Step-3: Load the package using the main composer.json and PSR-4
Step-4: Make a new Service Provider
Step-5: Set up a new Controller for the package
Step-6: Make a routes.php file.
45. Define skip() and take() in Laravel Query.
skip(): This method is used to skip a certain number of records from the beginning of the result set.
take(): This method is used to limit the number of records returned. By using this method, you can easily implement custom pagination for your queries.
46. Write down the process of using cookies in Laravel.
To create a cookie, use the cookie helper function. This function generates a new [php]Illuminate\Cookie\CookieJar[/php] instance representing the cookie.
47. Explain the function of the Console Kernel.
In Laravel, the Console Kernel is responsible for handling and managing the Artisan command-line interface (CLI) and scheduled tasks. It is a key component of Laravel’s command handling and task scheduling system.
The Console Kernel is a class named Kernel, which is located in the [php]app/Console[/php] directory and extends the [php]Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel[/php] class.
48. Define Query Builder.
The query builder provides direct access to the database while also acting as an alternative to Eloquent ORM. It allows developers to easily and quickly build complex database queries while still maintaining the flexibility to use raw SQL when necessary.
49. What are register and boot methods in the service provider class?
Register method: The primary purpose of the register method is to bind services, classes, or components into the application’s service container. Within the register method, you can define the bindings, resolve dependencies, instantiate classes, or register services.
Boot method: The boot method is called after all other service providers have been registered. You can perform any necessary configuration, customization, or setup tasks in this method, such as registering event listeners, defining view composers, or publishing configuration files.
50. Explain the process of hashing passwords in Laravel.
In Laravel, hashing passwords is a crucial security practice used to store passwords securely in the database. It uses the B-crypt hashing algorithm and the Argon2 algorithm for password hashing.