DataInput: Methods for reading machine-independent typed input streams.
DataOutput: Methods for writing machine-independent typed output streams.
FilenameFilter: Methods for filtering file-names.
BufferedInputStream: It is a buffered input stream.
BufferedOutputStream: It is a buffered output stream.
ByteArrayInputStream: It is an input stream from a byte array.
ByteArrayOutputStream: It is an output stream to a byte array.
DataInputStream: It enables you to read primitive Java data types from a stream in a machine-independent way.
DataOutputStream: It enables you to write primitive Java data types to a stream in a machine-component way.
File: It represents a file on the host’s file system.
FileDescriptor: It holds onto the UNIX like file descriptor of a file or socket.
FileInputStream: An input stream from a file, constructed using a filename of descriptor.
FileOutputStream: An output stream to a file, constructed using a filename of descriptor.
FilterInputStream: It is an abstract class which provides a filter for input streams.
FilterOutputStream: It is an abstract class which provides a filter for output streams.
InputStream: An abstract class representing an input stream of bytes.
LineNumberInputStream: An input stream that keeps track of line numbers.
OutputStream: An abstract class representing an output stream of bytes.
PipedInputStream: A piped input stream which should be connected to a PipeOutputStream to be useful.
PipedOutputStream: A piped output stream which should be connected to a PipeInputStream to be useful.
PrintStream: An output stream for printing used by [java]System.out.println[/java]
PushbackInputStream: It is an input stream with a 1-byte push back buffer.
RandomAccessFile: It provides random access to file, constructed from filenames, descriptors or objects.
SequentialInputStream: It converts a sequence of input streams into a single input stream.
StreamTokenizer: It converts an input stream into a series of individual tokens.
StringBufferInputStream: It is an input stream from a String object.