How to Market Yourself in an Interview
How to Market Yourself?
1. Assess yourself:
Essential to the job and career satisfaction is matching your unique talents, skills, interest, and personality to those job-related tasks and activities that you find most enjoyable, interesting, and challenging to do.
2. Research:
Identify the companies that have a need you can fill. you will recognize and identify this through research and speaking to people within the organization. There, you will learn some of the challenges they are facing or problems they are having. You can then take this information and think of ways to help them solve these problems. This is the true value you bring to the employer and what separates you from the other job candidates.
3. Establish your fit:
Seek out introductions to those individuals who are doing the work that you desire. These “insiders” are familiar with the type of work you want and can provide you with excellent sources of information and additional contacts, ultimately leading you to the job and career you’ve been looking for.
4. Write a value-based Resume:
Based on your values and beliefs — showcasing how valuable your skills, talents, and accomplishments would be when applied to the right company with the right job. Employers’ most common complaint is they can’t find good help. Consider how pleased they will be to find someone who wants to do the work they need to be done.

5. Start Networking:
The ultimate goal of networking is learning how to develop contacts with the right people who can advance your career, or refer you to the hiring manager who has the job you want.
6. Get in on the ground floor:
Networking creates opportunities to make contact with decision-makers before a new job opening is formally announced. At the very least, you’ll only be competing with a handful of people, rather than perhaps hundreds of job applicants.
7. Create your job:
If you show that you can produce results and contribute to their future goals, employers may design a new position just to take advantage of your unique talent, skills, and experience.
8. Informational Interviews:
The next step in your career campaign involves “Informational Interviews“. like everything else in your job search, this is a highly organized systematic approach. This is when your networking efforts begin paying dividends.
9. Interview Preparation:
Your value is what makes an employer want to hire you. nothing impresses an interviewer more than showing how you can add value and profit to their bottom line by increasing sales, saving them money, obtaining more new customers while retaining existing ones, etc. Prove this during your interview and the job is yours.
10. Tough Interview Question:
Practice those types of difficult questions and what the employer wants to know.
11. Negotiation Skills:
Accepting a job offer today may require you to successfully negotiate salary, bonus, commission, stock options, and more.
12. The key to Hierability:
Researching the company’s needs, culture, and work environment and then making the best match of your strengths and personal attributes.