How to make registration form in C language?
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> void get_ID_and_PASS(char fileName[30],char *id,char *pass) { FILE *F = fopen(fileName,"r"); if(F) { int count = 0; while(!feof(F)) { char rawLine[50]; fscanf(F,"%s",rawLine); if(!count++) strcpy(id,rawLine); else strcpy(pass,rawLine); } }else printf("Cannot open this file"); fclose(F); } int main() { char c; int pos = 0; char fileName[30] = "user.txt"; char userID[50],userPassW[50]; char strID[50]="\0",strPASSW[50]="\0"; char IDpref[50] = "user_id:\0",PASSWpref[50] = "password:\0"; get_ID_and_PASS(fileName,userID,userPassW); printf("\n\n"); printf("\tRegistration Form in C language"); printf("\n\n"); printf("\tEnter Your User Name: "); scanf("%s",&strID); printf("\n"); printf("\tEnter Your Password: "); do { c = getch(); if( isprint(c) ) { strPASSW[ pos++ ] = c; printf("%c", '*'); } else if( c == 9 && pos ) { strPASSW[pos--] = '\0'; printf("%s", "\b \b"); } } while( c != 13 ); strcpy(strID,strcat(IDpref,strID)); strcpy(strPASSW,strcat(PASSWpref,strPASSW)); if(!strcmp(strID,userID)&&!strcmp(strPASSW,userPassW)) { printf("\n\n"); printf("\tCorrect Username And Password\n"); printf("\n\n\tWelcome to Our Registration System\n\n"); } else { printf("\n\n"); printf("\tInvalid Username And Password. Try Again\n\n"); } printf("\n\n"); printf("\tEND OF PROGRAM"); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); }