How to Install Ruby on Windows?

Ruby was initially designed for use under UNIX and UNIX-related operating systems such as Linux, but Windows users have access to an excellent Windows-specific installer that installs Ruby, a horde of extensions, a source code editor, and various documentation.

Ruby on Windows is as reliable and useful as it is on other operating systems, and Windows is a reasonable environment for developing Ruby programs. To get up and running as quickly as possible, follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to

2. Click the big Download button, then choose the latest version to download. You will have the option to download a 64-bit (x86) version. At this stage, I would recommend staying with the normal, plain (32-bit) version, as not all Ruby libraries are compatible with the 64-bit version yet. There are further details about this on the sidebar of the download page if you’re interested.

3. Run the downloaded file to launch the installer. The file is approximately 16MB in size, so it may take a while to download.

4. If Windows gives you a Security Error box, click the Run button to give your approval.

5. A typical installation program appears with some instructions. On the initial screen, click to accept the license and then click Next.

6. Work your way through the installation screens. Unless you have a specific reason not to, let the installation program install Ruby in its default location of C:\ruby and its default program group. Check the box for “Add Ruby Executables to Your Path” if possible, as well as the “Associate .rb and .rbw Files with this Ruby Installation” option.

7. Installation is complete when the installation program gives you a Finish button to exit it.