Heap Implementation in Data Structure
A heap is a complete binary tree and it is implemented in an array as a sequential representation rather than a linked representation. In Data Structure, there are mainly two types of Heap, A heap is called Max Heap or Descending Heap if every node of the heap has a value greater than or equal to the value of every child of that node.
Similarly, a heap says Min Heap or Ascending Heap if every node of the heap has a value less than or equal to the value of every child of that node. In Heap implementation, we try to keep the tree balanced by creating a complete binary tree.
Heap Implementation
Insertion into a max heap:
Step-1: inset node M

Deletion from Heap:
1. Assign the node to some variable ITEM
2. Replace ITEM with the last node L of the tree
3. Reheap

Applications of Heap Data Structure
- Heap Sort
- Priority queue
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm