Explain Block Diagram of Digital Computer System
Digital Computer System
The digital computer is a digital system that performs various computational tasks. The word ‘digital‘ implies that the variables represent the computer’s information that takes a limited number of discrete values. The Block Diagram of the Digital Computer is shown below.

Block Diagram of Digital Computer
A computer system composes of its hardware and the system software available for its use. The system software consists of a collection of programs. The programs are included in a systems software package referred to as the operating system. The hardware of the computer is usually divided into three major parts:
i. Random Access Memory
ii. Central Processing Unit
iii. Input-Output Processor
i. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) contains an arithmetic and logic unit for manipulating data. Several registers for storing data, and control circuits for fetching and executing instructions.
ii. The memory of a computer contains storage for instructions and data, It says a Random·Access Memory (RAM). The CPU can access any location in memory at random and retrieve the binary information within a fixed interval of time.
iii. The Input and Output Processor (IOP) contains electronic circuits for communicating and controlling the transferred information between the computer and the outside world. The input and output devices connected to the computer include keyboards, printers, terminals, magnetic disk drives, and other communication devices.