Difference between Taylor and Fayol Principles of Management

Taylor Principles of Management

F.W. Taylor was born in a German Town, Pennsylvania on March 20, 1856. In the year 1911, he wrote his famous book “The Principles of Scientific Management“. These principles of management focus on observing the workflows and evaluating their efficiency and effectiveness. This is mostly related to the production and engineering sectors. Taylor’s principles of management consist of the following principles, which are a mental revolution for both employer and employees:

1. Science, Not Rule of thumb

2. Prescribe Rules and Specify Standards

3. Planning and doing are two separate aspects of an activity

4. Fair day’s work or proper day’s work

5. Scientifically select, train, and develop the workman

6. Functional Foremanship

7. Standard work or Proper day’s work

8. Economy and Profit

9. Harmony in Group action, not discord

10. Mental Revolution

Fayol Principles of Management

Henry Fayol was born in 1841 to a French middle-class family. He wrote his famous book “General and Industrial Management” which was first published in French in the year 1916. But it was 1949 when the book was translated and published in English and became accepted worldwide. This book indeed created a history in the development of management theory. Fayol principles of management consist of 14 principles of management, which are based on fundamental truths:

1. Division of Work: Work done as small jobs or operations, creating specialization.

2. Authority and Responsibility: Authority suggests the right to give order and obtain obedience and responsibility is the sense of dutifulness that arises out of authority.

3. Discipline: It respects organizational rules and the terms of employment.

4. Unity of Command: Employees will work for command by their Superior.

5. Unity of Direction: All are working for the same targets for the betterment of the company.

6. Subordination: No personal or group interest, only a general interest persists.

7. Remuneration: The payment system contributes to the success of the organization.

8. Centralization: There must be the finest utilization of an organization’s resources.

9. Scalar Chain: This implies the superior-subordinate relation within the organization.

10. Order: Everything has a place or sequence.

11. Equity: No discrimination

12. Stability of tenure of Personnel: Employee retention or long-term employment is important.

13. Initiative: Bringing new things to the company.

14. Esprit de Corps: Team spirit in the organization.

Taylor vs Fayol Principles of Management

Taylor Principles of ManagementFayol Principles of Management
1. Taylor's principles or techniques are based on experiments and observation.1. Fayol's principles are based on personal experiences.
2. F.W. Taylor is a father of scientific management
2. Henry Fayol is a father of modern management
3. It is a Low-level management3. It is a Top-level management
4. Taylor insist on Production and Engineering4. Fayol insists on Managerial Functions.
5. Taylor follows on minimizing 8 bosses.
5. Fayol follows on one boss for one employee.
6. This principle mainly focuses on eliminating wasteful movement and better utilization of resources. 6. This principle mainly focuses on the development and better management.
7. It is applicable for some specified situations. 7. This principle are universally applicable.