Difference between Flood Fill and Boundary Fill Algorithm
Flood Fill Algorithm
Algorithms used for filling interior-defined regions are generally known as Flood Fill Algorithm. Such an algorithm starts with a seed pixel by replacing its existing colour with the fill colour. Then using the 4-connected or 8-connected chain the algorithm sets fill colour to the other interior pixels. Assuming that all the pixels in an interior-defined region have the same colour, the flood fill algorithm terminates when no more connected pixel has the old colour.
Steps of Flood Fill Algorithm
Algorithm FloodFill4(x, y, original_Color, fill_Color) { Color=get_Color(x,y); if(Color<>original_Color) then SetPixel(x, y, fill_Color); FloodFill4(x, y, boundary_Color, fill_Color); FloodFill4(x, y+1, boundary_Color, fill_Color); FloodFill4(x-1, y, boundary_Color, fill_Color); FloodFill4(x+1, y, boundary_Color, fill_Color); Endif }
Boundary Fill Algorithm
To fill a boundary-defined area is to start at a point (pixel) inside the area and paint the area progressively towards the boundary. This method is called Boundary Fill Algorithm. The Boundary Fill is a recursive procedure with a fill colour. It is specified by the parameter ‘fill‘ and boundary colour specified by parameter ‘boundary‘.
Steps of Boundary Fill Algorithm
Algorithm BoundaryFill4(x, y, boundary_Color, fill_Color) { Color=get_Color(x,y); if(Color<>boundary_Color and Color<>fill_Color) then SetPixel(x, y, fill_Color); BoundaryFill4(x, y+1, boundary_Color, fill_Color); BoundaryFill4(x-1, y, boundary_Color, fill_Color); BoundaryFill4(x, y-1, boundary_Color, fill_Color); BoundaryFill4(x+1, y, boundary_Color, fill_Color); Endif }
Flood Fill vs Boundary Fill Algorithm
1. It defines the area containing several colors | 1. It defines the area with a single color |
2. It is slower than the Boundary-fill algorithm | 2. It is faster than the Flood-fill algorithm |
3. In Flood-fill algorithm, a random colour can be used to paint the interior portion then the old one is replaced with a new one. | 3. In Boundary-fill algorithm, the Interior points are painted by continuously searching for the boundary color. |
4. It requires high amount of memory consumption | 4. It requires low amount of memory consumption |
5. The complexity of Flood-fill algorithm is simple | 5. The complexity of Boundary-fill algorithm is high |