C++ Program to Solve Tower of Hanoi using Recursion

Tower of Hanoi:

Tower of Hanoi is a famous recursive problem which is based on 3 pegs and a set of the disc with different sizes. In C++, we try to solve Tower of Hanoi using Recursion, but for that, we must follow some rules:

Rules of Tower of Hanoi:

1. Only one disc can be moved at a time.
2. Only the top disc on any peg can be moved to any other peg.
3. A larger disc can’t be placed on a smaller peg.

Tower of Hanoi in C++ using recursion:


using namespace std;
void TOH(int d, char t1, char t2, char t3)
cout<<"\nShift top disk from tower "<<t1<<" to tower "<<t2;
cout<<"\nShift top disk from tower "<<t1<<" to tower "<<t2;
int main()
int disk;
cout<<"Enter the number of disks: "; cin>>disk;
cout<<"There are no disks to shift";
cout<<"There are "<<disk<<" disks in tower 1\n";
TOH(disk, '1','2','3');
cout<<"\n\n"<<disk<<" disks in tower 1 are shifted to tower 2";
return 0;



C++ Program to Solve Tower of Hanoi using Recursion