Comparing Strings in Python

Comparing Strings:

In Python, Comparing Strings using relational or comparison operators such as >, <, <=, etc. Some Comparing Strings are given below:

(==)If two strings are equal, it returns True.
!= or <>If two strings aren't equal, it returns True.
>If the first string is greater than the second, it returns True.
<If the second string is greater than the first, it returns True.
>=If the first string is greater than or equal to the second, it returns True.
<=If the first string is greater than or equal to the first, it returns True.

Iterating String:

Iterating String is a sequence type (sequence of characters). You can iterate through the string using a loop as given below:


str1="Welcome to Webeduclick!"
for i in str1:
print(i, end=' ')

W e l c o m e t o W e b e d u c l i c k!