College Management System Project Source Code in C++

College Management System Project Source Code

char un[20];
class Admin
char name[20];
int totsub;
char subject[10][10;
char mobile[15], mail[50], frame[20];
char passwd[20], rpasswd[20];
char rollno[15];
void getstdata()
cout<<"\nEnter the Student Name: ";
cout<<"\nEnter the Student ID/Roll No.: "; cin>>rollno;
cout<<"\nEnter the Student Father's Name: ";
cout<<"\nEnter the Mobile Number: ";
cout<<"\nEnter the E-mail ID: "; gets(mail); cin>>totsub;
for(int i=0; i<totsub; i++)
cout<<"\nEnter the Subject"<<i+1<<" Name : "; cin>>subject[i];
cout<<"\nCrete Your Login Password: "; cin>>passwd;
cout<<"\nEnter the Unique Keyword to Recover Password"; cin>>rpasswd;
cout<<"\n\nPlease note your UserName is ID/Roll No.\n";