CMM and CMMI in Software Engineering
CMM in Software Engineering
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) developed a comprehensive process meta-model emphasizing the process maturity that says the Capability Maturity Model (CMM). It predicts on a set of system and software capabilities. It should be present when organizations reach different levels of capability and maturity.
CMMI levels in Software Engineering
Level1: Initial: Few processes define and individual efforts taken.
Level2: Repeatable: To track cost-schedule and functionality basic project management processes established. Depending on earlier successes of projects with a similar application.
Level3: Defined: The process is standardized, documented and followed. All projects use a documented and approved version of a software process, which is useful in developing and supporting software.
Level4: Managed: Both the software process and product quantitative understood and controlled using detailed measurements.
Level5: Optimizing: Establish the mechanism to plan and implement change. Innovative ideas and technologies can test.
The Capability Maturity Model uses in assessing how well an organization’s processes are. It allows one to complete and manage new software projects.
CMMI in Software Engineering
Capability maturity model integration (CMMI) is the successor of the capability maturity model (CMM). It developed in 1987 but was first released in 1990. It adopts and uses in many domains. CMMI aims to improve the usability of maturity models using integrating many different models into one framework.
For example, CMMs developed for disciplines such as systems engineering (SE-CMM), people management (PCMM), software acquisition (SA-CMM), and others. Although many organisations find these models very useful. They also struggled with problems caused by overlap, inconsistencies, and integrating the models. In this context, CMMI generalises to apply to many domains.