C++ program to read employee details using parameterized constructor
#include<iostream.h> using namespace std; class Employee { private: int empid; char empname[20]; int bsalary; int allowance; public: Employee() { bsalary = 1000; } void GetData(); void DispData(); }; void Employee::GetData() { cout<<"Enter the employee id: "; cin>>empid; cout<<"Enter the employee name: "; cin>>empname; cout<<"Enter the employee allowance: "; cin>>allowance; } void Employee::DispData() { cout<<endl<<empid<<"\t"<<empname<<"\t"<<bsalary <<"\t"<<allowance; } int main() { Employee e[3]; cout<<"Enter the employee information:"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { e[i].GetData(); } cout<<endl<<"The employee information is:"; cout<<endl<<"EmpID \t Name \t Bsalary \t Allowance"; for(int i=0; i<3;i++) { e[i].DispData(); } }