Binary Search Tree Algorithm in Data Structure
Binary Search Tree
A binary search tree is a binary tree in which each node has a value greater than every node of its left sub-tree and less than every node of its right sub-tree. This type of tree does not contain a duplicate value. The in-order traversal of the binary search tree gives a list in ascending order.

Insertion into Binary Search Tree
Consider the following items:
We have to create a binary search tree using the items.
Step1: The first item in the list is M. As the tree is empty, insert M as the root node.

Algorithm for Insertion into Binary Search Tree:
Algorithm fnInsertBST(iData) { TreeNode *ptrNewNode, *ptrParent, *ptrChild; ptrNewNode=(Treenode *)malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); ptrNewNode->ptrLeft=ptrNewNode->ptrRight=NULL; ptrNewNode->info=iData; if(ptrRoot==NULL) { ptrRoot=ptrNewNode; else { ptrChild=ptrRoot; while(ptrChild!=NULL) { ptrParent=ptrChild; if(ptrChild->info>iData) ptrChild=ptrChild->ptrLeft; else if(ptrChild->info<iData) ptrChild=ptrChild->ptrRight; else return 0; } if(ptrParent->info>iData) ptrParent->ptrLeft=ptrNewNode; else ptrParent->ptrRight=ptrNewNode; } return 1; } // End of Algorithm
Recursive Algorithm for insertion into Binary Search Tree:
Algorithm TreeNode *fnInsert_BST(ptrRoot, iData) { if(ptrRoot==Null) { ptrRoot=(TreeNode *) malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); ptrRoot ->ptrLeft=NULL; ptrRoot ->ptrRight=NULL; ptrRoot ->info=iData; } elseif(iData < iData< ptrRoot ->info) ptrRoot->ptrLeft=fnInsert_BST(ptrRoot->ptrLeft, iData); elseif(iData>ptrRoot->info) ptrRoot->ptrRight=fnInsert_BST(ptrRoot->ptrRight, iData); else print(Duplicate node); return(ptrRoot); } // End of Algorithm
Deletion from Binary Search Tree:
1. If the node has no child then simply remove it.
2. If the node has one child then moves up to the only child.
3. If the node has two children then replace its position with its in-order successor or predecessor.
Algorithm to Delete a Node from a Binary Search Tree:
Algorithm fnDelete_BST(ptrDeleteNode) { if(ptrDeleteNode->ptrLeft==NULL && ptrDeleteNode->ptrRight==NULL) { free(ptrDeleteNode); return; } else if(ptrDeleteNode->ptrLeft!=NULL && ptrDeleteNode->ptrRight!=NULL) { ptrSuccessor = Get_Inorder_Successor(ptrDeleteNode); ptrSuccessor->ptrLeft=ptrDeleteNode->ptrLeft; ptrSuccessor->ptrRight=ptrDeleteNode->ptrRight; free(ptrDeleteNode); return; } else if(ptrDeleteNode->ptrLeft==NULL && ptrDeleteNode->ptrRight!=NULL) { ptrParent==Get_Parent(ptrDeleteNode); if(ptrParent->ptrLeft==ptrDeleteNode) ptrParent->ptrLeft=ptrDeleteNode->ptrRight; else ptrParent->ptrRight=ptrDeleteNode->ptrRight; free(ptrDeleteNode); return; } else { ptrParent=Get_Parent(ptrDeleteNode); if(ptrParent->ptrLeft==ptrDeleteNode) ptrParent->ptrLeft=ptrDeleteNode->ptrLeft; else ptrParent->ptrRight=ptrDeleteNode->ptrLeft; free(ptrDeleteNode); return; } } // End of Algorithm