Basic Set Operations in Python

Set Operations in Python

Python Sets are another data structure, basically, it is the same as lists but it has no duplicate entries. Technically, a set is a mutable and unordered collection of items which means that we can easily add or remove items for it.

Creating a set

A set is created by placing all the elements inside curly brackets{}, separated by using the built-in function set(). It has the following syntax:


Example :




Set OperationDescription
s.update(t)It adds elements of set t in the set s provided that all duplicates are avoided.
s.add(x)It adds elements x to the set s provided that all duplicates are avoided.
s.remove(x)It removes element x from set s and returns KeyError if x isn't present.
s.discard(x)It removes element x from set s but it doesn't give an error if x is not present in the set.
s.pop()It removes and returns an arbitrary element from s
s.clear()It removes all elements from the set.
len(s)It returns the length of set.
x in sIt returns True is x is present in set s and False otherwise.
x not in sIt returns True is x is not present in set s and False otherwise.
s.issubnet(t)It returns True if every element in set s is present in set t and False otherwise.
s.issuperset(t)It returns True if every element in the set t is present in set s and False otherwise.
s.union(t)It returns a set s that has elements from both sets s and t.
s.intersection(t)It returns a new set that has elements which are common to both the sets s and t.
s.intersection_update(t)It returns a set that has elements which are common to both the sets s and t.
s.difference(t)It returns a new set that has elements in set s but not in t.
s.difference_update(t)It removes all elements of another set from this set.
s.symmetri_difference(t)It returns a new set with elements either in s or in t but not both.
s.copy()It returns a copy of set s
s.isisjoint(t)It returns True if two sets have a null intersection.
all(s)It returns True if all elements in the set are True and False otherwise.
any(s)It returns True if any of the elements in the set is True, returns False if the set is empty.
enumerate(s)It returns an enumerate object which contains index as well as the value of all the items of the set as a pair.
max(s)It returns the maximum value in a set.
min(s)It returns the minimum value in a set.
sum(s)It returns the sum of elements in the set.
sorted(s)It returns a new sorted list from elements in the set. It doesn't sort the set as sets are immutable.
s==t and s!=ts==t returns True if the two sets are equivalent and False otherwise.