Arrays Strings and Vectors in java
Arrays in java
An array is a group of contiguous or related data items that share a common name. In Java, there are two types of array exists:
- One-Dimensional Array
- Two-Dimensional Array
One-Dimensional Array
A list of items can be given one variable name using only one subscript and this variable is called a One-Dimensional Array.

It represents a sequence of characters in Java by using a character array. It has the following Syntex:
String string-name; string-name=new String("string");
String sk; sk=new String("Hello World");
String Array in Java
It can assign the strings to the string-name element by element using more different statements or using a for loop. It has the following syntax:
String string-name[]=new String[size];
String sk[]=new String[5]
Vectors in java
Vector is a type of class that can be used to create a generic dynamic array that can hold objects of any type and any number. The arrays can be easily implemented as vectors. Vectors are created like arrays as follows:
Vector list=new Vector(); Vector list=new Vector(4);
Advantages of Vector
(i) It is convenient to use vectors to store objects.
(ii) A vector can be used to store a list of objects that may vary in size.
(iii) We can add and delete objects from the list as and when required.
Some Vector Methods are given as follows:
list.addElement(item) | It adds the item specified to the list at the end. |
list.elementAt(n) | It gives the name of the nth object. |
list.size() | It gives the number of objects present |
list.removeElement(item) | It removes the specified item from the list. |
list.removeElementAt(n) | It removes the item stored in the nth position of the list. |
list.removeAllElements() | It removes all the elements in the list. |
list.copyInto(array) | It copies all items from list to array. |
list.insertElementAt(item, n) | It inserts the item at nth position. |
import java.util.*; class test { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector list=new Vector(); int length=args.length; for(int i=0;i<length;i++) { list.addElement(args[i]); } list.insertElementAt("COBOL",2); int size=list.size(); String listArray[]=new String[size]; list.copyInto(listArray); System.out.println("List of Programming Language"); for(int i=o;i<size;i++) { System.out.println(listArray[i]); } } }