ACID Properties in DBMS

ACID Properties

A transaction expects to contain certain properties that called ACID Properties of Transactions. There are four properties of ACID Properties of Transactions:

  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability



The atomicity of a transaction implies that it will run to completion as an individual unit (atomic unit). At the end of a unit of the transaction either there is no change to the database or the database has been changed consistently. No changes will be reflected in the database in the middle of executing an atomic unit of transaction.


Consistency property of a transaction implies that a database was in a consistent state before the execution of the transaction. Then, after the transaction’s execution, the database will be in a consistent state.


Isolation property of a transaction process implies actions performed by a database. It will isolate or hide from other transactions or processes until it is either execute or terminate. This property gives the transaction a measure of relative independence.


Durability property of a database transaction implies that the updates made by a transaction. It will reflect in the database on the termination of the committed action. Therefore, any loss or failure after the committed action will not cause a loss of updates made by the transaction. Rollback of the transaction can’t be performed, if the transaction has Durability property.