Abstract Classes in Python

Abstract Class in Python

An Abstract Class is a class that is specifically defined to lay a foundation for other classes that exhibit a common behaviour or similar characteristics. It is primarily used only as a base class for inheritance.

An Abstract Class is an incomplete class, users are not allowed to create its objects. To use such a class, programmers must derive it keeping in mind that they would only be either using or overriding the features specified in that class.


class Fruit:
def taste(self):
raise NotImplementError()
def rich_in(self):
raise NotImplementError()
def colour(self):
raise NotImplementError()
class Mango(Fruit):
def taste(self):
return "Sweet"
def rich_in(self):
return "Vitamin A"
def colour(self):
return "Yellow"
class Orange(Fruit):
def taste(self):
return "Sour"
def rich_in(self):
return "Vitamin C"
def colour(self):
return "Orange"
print(Alphanso.taste(), Alphanso.rich_in(), Alphanso.colour())
print(Org.taste(), Org.rich_in(), Org.colour())



Abstract Classes in Python