Python Program to Count Tabs, Spaces and Newline Characters in a File
file1=open("AI.txt", "w") file1.write("Artificial Intelligence is a method of learning new data. \n Artificial Intelligence covers three types of tasks:\n 1. Mundane Tasks\t 2. Formal Tasks\t 3. Expert Tasks") file1=open("AI.txt", "r") filename=input("Enter the filename: ") with open(filename) as file: count_tab=0 count_space=0 count_newline=0 for char in text: if char=='\t': count_tab+=1 if char==' ': count_space+=1 if char=='\n': count_newline+=1 print("How many Tabs are present in these file? ", count_tab) print("How many Spaces are present in these file? ", count_space) print("How many Newlines are present in these file? ", count_newline)