Peterson’s Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion
Peterson’s Algorithm:
Peterson’s Algorithm was developed by G.L. Peterson in 1981 for enforcing mutual exclusion. It is a simple algorithm for enforcing two processes of mutual exclusion with busy waiting.
Program Petersons; var favored process:(first,second); p1 wants_to_enter, p2 wants_to_enter : Boolean; procedure processone; begin while true do begin p1 wants_to_enter:=true; favored process:=second; while p2 wants_to_enter And favored process = second do critical section one; p1 wants_to_enter:=false; otherwiseone end; procedure processtwo; begin while true do begin p2 wants_to_enter:=true; favored process:=first; while pi wants_to_enter And favored process = first do; critical section two; p2 wants_to_enter:=false; otherwisetwo end; begin p1 wants_to_enter=false; p2 wants_to_enter=false; favored process:=first; parbegin processone; processtwo; parend end;