Components of RDBMS

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

It is a software package used to store and retrieve data that is organized in the form of tables. In other words, RDMS stores the information in rows, and columns and conducts searches by using data in specified columns and rows. These columns of rows of the table as well as to find additional data in another related table.

A two-dimensional table is a natural way to represent data to a user. A table must be set up in a way that no information about the relations among the data elements is lost. A table should contain the following properties:

1. Each entry in a table should only represent one data item and no two-column headings with the same name.

2. In each column, the data items are of the same data type.

3. Each column is assigned a distinct heading.

4. All rows are distinct, duplicate rows aren’t allowed.

5. Both the rows and the columns can be viewed in any sequence at any time without affecting the information.

Properties of RDBMS

A relational database model uses a collection of tables to represent both data and the relationships among those data items. Each table has multiple columns and each column has a unique name. An RDBMS has the following properties:

1. It stores the data in the form of tables.

2. It does not require the user to understand its physical implementation.

3. It provides information about its content and structure in the system table.

4. RDMS supports the concepts of NULL values.