4-bit register circuit diagram
Registers in Digital Electronics:
A register is a group of flip-flops with each flip-flop capable of storing one bit of information. An n-bit register has a group of n flip-flops and is capable of storing any binary information of n bits. In addition to the flip-flops, a register may have combinational gates that perform certain data-processing tasks. In its broadest definition, a register consists of a group of flip-flops and gates that affect their transition. The flip-flops hold the binary information and the gates control when and how new information is transferred into the register.
4-bit register:
Various types of registers are available commercially. The simplest register is one that consists only of flip-flops, with no external gates. The 4-bit register circuit diagram shows that such a register is constructed with four D flip-flops.

The common clock input triggers all flip-flops on the rising edge of each pulse, and the binary data available at the four inputs are transferred into the 4-bit register. The four outputs can be sampled at any time to obtain the binary information stored in the register. The clear input goes to a special terminal in each flip-flop. When this input goes to 0, all flip-flops are reset asynchronously. The clear input is useful for clearing the register to all O’s before its clocked operation. The clear input must be maintained at logic 1 during normal clocked operation.